Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs
Section 2 p.28-50

Character Sketcher
Your job is to sketch the character of Delilah.
Discussion Director
Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph from which the answers can be found (if possible).  Ask the following:

1 Setting
1 Fact/Opinion
1 Prediction
2 Thinking Questions
Passage Picker
Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 Dialect
1 Fantasy
1 Funny
1 On your own
Word Wizard
Your job is to complete the role sheet for the following words:

Shoat    p. 29 par.9
Trough  p.31 par.1
Loomed   p.35 par. 1st incomplete
Majestically   p.50 par.5
Your job as an investigator is to research pigs or hogs with an encyclopedia. Answer the following questions:

• What are two other names for a pig?
• Where do pigs typically live?
• What do they usually feed on?
• What are they a decent of?
• What are they typically bred for?
• Find one more fact about pigs of your choice.

Investigator Example
1. Two other names for a pig are hog and swine.
2. Pigs or hogs typically live in forests or thickets.
3. Pigs or hogs usually feed on a variety of vegetable foodstuffs-grass, roots and tubers, fallen fruits or nuts-and insects earthworms, eggs and other animal material.
4. Pigs are a decent from the European boar.
5. Pigs or hogs are typically bred for their fat (lard) or for their meat (bacon or pork).
6. China has the largest number of domestic swine in the world.
Title Page
Book Synopsis
Goals & Objectives
Section 1
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8